Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What c++ and c file extension?

example for c++ --%26gt; test.cpp

are "printf" and "scanf" commands in C++ or C

What c++ and c file extension?
c++ file name extention is .cpp

c file name extention is .c

printf and scanf commands belong to language C
Reply:The file extension in C is .c like test.c and

in C++, the extension of file is .cpp, like test.cpp.

The printf and scanf are the standard output and input commands in C. But these can be valid in C++.

The same commands are cout and cin objects respectively in C++.
Reply:The are in C++ ..

Thats a guess...



Reply:for c : myfile.c

forc++ : myfile.cpp

for using "printf" and "scanf" commands in C : #include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt; befor main
Reply:I'm sorry iyiogrenci but printf and scanf are also in C++ language!they are predefined with %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;;

scanf allow you to insert data from file like "file%26gt;%26gt;x" for %26lt;fstream.h%26gt; and printf allow you to print data into file like "file%26lt;%26lt;x"

for %26lt;fstream.h%26gt;

mothers day flowers

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