Thursday, July 9, 2009

I need help with a C program im trying to write?

The user should be allowed to enter a begining balance and the transaction one at a time. When the transaction is a deposit, the user precedes the transaction with "D" and withdrawal with "W" and a check with "C" and should include the check number. The program should report all transactions and the final balance.

Im new to this but anyways this is what I have :

/* bankstatement.c


* Synopsis - Displays a menu, accepts a chioce for a user, and processes the response.


* Objective - Illustrates the switch statement;


/* Include Files */

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

/* Constant Definitions */

#define BUF_SIZE 40

/* Fnction Prototypes */

void processresponse (char iochar );

/* PRECONDITION: amount can be any interger value

* POSTCONDITION: Compares iochar with the case labels and takes action sccordingly.



int main (void);



* POSTCONDITION: Displays the menu choices and accepts input of the user's response. The first cahrachter of the

* response is returned

int main (void)


char iochar = 0;


iochar = menu();



while ( iochar != "0" );

return 0;



int menu (void)

int menu (void)


int check;

int trans;

int D,W,C,Q;

int enter;

printf("XYZ Bank Statement Program \n");


printf(" Enter your beginiing balance:\n")

scanf("%d", %26amp;enter );

printf(" Enter which transaction you would like to complete:

(W)ithdrawal, (D)eposit, (C)heck, (Q)uit:\n");

scanf("%d", %26amp;trans);

if(trans = D)

printf("%26amp;d\n", trans + enter );

else if ( trans = W)

printf("%d\n", trans - enter);

else if ( trans = C)

printf("Check number:\n");

scanf("%d", %26amp;check);



void processresponse(char iochar)



case'D': printf("Amount: %d\n",trans);

case'W': printf("Amount: %d\n",trans);

case'C': printf("Check number%d, Amount:%d\n",check, trans);




return (trans);


I need help with a C program im trying to write?
If you are still stuck , may be you can contact a c expert at websites like

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